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Department Admin

Users in HOPS can be subdivided into departments for ease of similar administration and management structure.

Specific FacilitiesBasic HOPSAdvanced HOPSDetail
View Department Home PageThe user can view the home page for this departments
VIEW Department SettingsAllows the user to view System > Depts & Disciplines and view the Department Settings for all depts.
EDIT Departments Settings, ADD/ARCHIVE DeptsAllows the user to add and edit the key details about departments (ie, the name of the department, the manager, etc.) Ideally reserved for HOPS Admin.
Department Competence Structure EDITUser can edit the department details such as competence levels, roles, etc.
Department Noticeboard EDITUser can edit the noticeboard that appears on the department home page.
Conduct Department Staff ConfirmationThe user can undertake the annual confirmation of staff in the department.