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Risk Assessment

HOPS has a brand new Risk Assessment feature. This is available for use and is in the final stages of development. It enables the recording of hazards, risks arising, impacts from the hazards. The RA system is a very comprehensive risk analysis and scoring system.

Specific FacilitiesBasic HOPSAdvanced HOPSDetail
View RAsView risk assessments
Edit RAsEdit risk assessments
Check RAsAct as checker for risk assessments
Approve RAsAct as approver for risk assessments
Edit Existing Control MeasuresEdit existing control measures
Add New Control MeasuresAdd new control measures
Risk Assessment Settings EDITUser can edit the risk assessment scales and criteria, hazard groups list, parties affected list, impact areas list.
View List of Hazards Affecting PartiesView the lists of hazards affecting certain parties.
View Hazards by Impact AreaView the lists of hazards impacting on the given Impact Area
Accept Risk Assessments by Impact AreaThe user can 'accept' risks for the given impact area.