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Near Miss / Incident Register

HOPS has a comprehensive system for registering near misses and incidents.

The NMI system particularly lends itself to registering of
- Operational Incidents (SPADs, etc)
- Accident Forms
- Close-Call Reporting.

The Registers allow recording of persons involved, actions taken, actions arising. For the latter, due dates, update tracking and recording of closure.

For medical registers, fields for 'how injured' and 'nature of injury' are provided.

A statistics section gives pie charts and year-on-year reporting of incidents by type, location, and nature of injury.

Specific FacilitiesBasic HOPSAdvanced HOPSDetail
NMI Register CREATE New RegisterThe user can create new NMI Registers at the organisation.
NMI Register VIEWThe user can start new entries in the NMI Register stated.
NMI Register - Own Actions VIEWThe user can view actions that they own.
NMI Register - Own Actions UPDATEThe user can add updates to actions that they own.
NMI Register ADD/EDIT EntriesThe user can add and edit entries in the NMI Register stated.
NMI Register DELETE EntriesThe user can DELETE entries in the NMI Register stated.