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Operations Calendar

Your organisation's operations calendar can be set into HOPS.

This provides a single reliable source of truth for this information for staff. It also works with many other functions around the system that refer to the calendar.

It is also possible to add additional custom layers to the calendar, for everything from department activities to room bookings.

Specific FacilitiesBasic HOPSAdvanced HOPSDetail
VIEW Published Operating CalendarAllows the user to view the organisation's published operating calendar.
VIEW Draft Operating CalendarAllows the user to view the organisation's DRAFT operating calendar.
EDIT Operating CalendarAllows the user to EDIT the organisation's operating calendar, such as assigning timetables to days, defining additional staff requirements, operations instructions, etc.
Set Operating Calendar Publication StatusAllows the user to set the date up to which the Operations Calendar is published.
VIEW Dept Calendar DocsAllows the user to VIEW their departments calendar documents.
EDIT Dept Calendar DocsAllows the user to EDIT their department's calendar documents.
Ops Calendar Updates EMAIL (FUTURE)The user will receive operations calendar update e-mails.
VIEW Calendar Custom Subject ContentUser can view content of this calendar.
EDIT Calendar Custom Subject ContentUser can add information to the Calendar Subject fields.
EMAIL Calendar Custom Subject Content UpdatesUser will receive email updates when content of a Calendar Subject is edited (where the editor selects to give advice).
Cross-post content from other calendars to this calendar.User can cross-post content from other calendars to this calendar.
CONFIGURE Calendar Custom SubjectsUser can add, edit and remove calendar organisation SUBJECTS. (Not to be confused with permissions for editing the data associated with the subjects.)